Thursday, November 1, 2007


Well gentle readers, I told you I would update you and I will.

The craziness, well it would have been crazier had we won the game, but I won't even get started on that. Let's talk about the tailgating. I would have thought it would be more detrimental to my health.

First of all, we had both fruit and vegetable platters at our tailgate. I must say that the girl who organized it did a great job including all the food groups. We had chicken wings (for protein), sandwiches (for carbs and more protein), the fruit and vegetables, bagels, and of course cookies and cupcakes (for the sugar content).

I ate a few chicken wings, a piece of sandwich, a cookie and some potato chips. In addition to that I also had pineapple, watermelon, cucumbers, carrots and celery. I felt like that was sufficient.

There was water, juice, Gatorade and the requisite alcoholic beverages. It was raining off and on, and there was only one Port-a-Potty for the entire parking lot, but the pre-game festivities were fun.

After the game though, it was all I could do to walk back to the tailgate and ride in the car home before I fell asleep in misery over the Gators' loss. Can't win 'em all I guess. At least I didn't over eat.

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