Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sad day

Well readers, today was my last day of health and fitness writing. Sad, I know. I think it even deserves an emoticon. :(

We played a game of "Survivor" for our last reading quiz grades and A Tribe Called Quest, my team, took second place and received a 100 on our "quiz." We scored five points, three of which were scored by me. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm basically a health and fitness writing expert. NOT.

But I did learn a few things in class:

1. Functional fitness, movement prep; I'm still not totally clear on what these things are, but they sound REALLY good when trainers talk about it. I mean it makes sense to do exercises that will suit the specific movements you make in your sport, the way Matt Herring trains the University of Florida men's basketball team.

2. Cadavers are gross, especially when compared to everyday items. Like comparing a face peeling off with a Halloween mask. It's weird. Researchers will throw cadavers around, crash cars with the body inside, but when it comes to shooting a gun at a cadaver, even in the name of research, it's the first time the researchers get squeamish.

3. Skipping is difficult. Apparently I've been doing it incorrectly my entire life. But according to Corey at IMG Academies, I'm not getting enough height or moving my legs the right way. Also I don't know if skipping is a tissue or a neural exercise, so apparently that makes it worthless.

4. Taking a chance on a class can be worth it. I know this might seem like sucking up, but it's not. I'm just glad that last semester, I had it in my head that I wanted to be a real journalist, so I should take classes applicable to that goal. While I've since changed my mind (I want to be a teacher) I'm still glad I took this class. I got to meet some cool people and learn a lot more about health, working out and proper diet than I ever would have on my own. So thank you, professor Spiker, and whoever else is reading this blog (a.k.a. my mom), for your time throughout the semester.

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