Sunday, November 4, 2007

My crackpod

Before I even walk out the door to go to the gym or start running, I have my iPod plugged into my ears. I've spent the past five minutes deciding what to listen to or carefully constructing the perfect playlist for my work out. If I couldn't listen to music while exercising I don't think my body would know what to do with itself.

When I swam in high school, and basically my entire life, I would spend two hours repeating the same three lines of a song to myself in my head, and believe me, that got old quickly.

According to an article in the New York Times, USA Track & Field, the national governing body for running has banned headphones and audio players at its races this year. They said it was primarily for safety but also to stop runners from gaining an edge.

As much as I could not run without the encouragement of an iPod, I understand the second reason for the ban. Whenever a favorite or particularly inspiring song comes on I run or push myself that much harder.

Because I didn't have music to listen to in the pool, I feel for these runners who must spend hours on the asphalt without extra inspiration. Good luck runners, good luck.

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