Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Journalism and Anthropology?

I never thought that the classes from my minor would have anything to do with the classes from my major, but apparently I was wrong.

In health and fitness writing we're reading a book called "Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers." Oddly enough, one of the anthropology classes I'm taking is introduction to forensic Science. In my forensics class we learned about the University of Tennessee Medical Center and its "lovely, forested grove" that is actually a hillside dedicated to the study of human decay (Roach 61). The researchers lay human bodies out in the sun or shade to study the way the bodies decay based on the environment they're in. I also read about this in the book and was shocked to actually recognize some information in a book about cadavers.

I think this is a pretty disgusting tactic, but then again I do have a pretty weak stomach. I was very disappointed to learn that I would be dealing with dead bodies and remains in my sanctuary from the strange and disgusting, my journalism classes.

But to my surprise, I like the book. So far, so good. It's well written and actually kind of funny. The author, Mary Roach, looks at cadavers with a mixture of humor and respect and it works for her.

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